25 Surprising Health and food Facts | Facts-Site #2

Knowing Health Facts is very useful to make care of our health. Here you will see the 25 Surprising random Facts related to the Health.

Surprising Health and food Facts #2

Surprising Health and food Facts
  1. 9% of people skip breakfast and 22% of people skip lunch daily in their life.
  2. Did you know there are around 
  3. 15,000 different kinds of rice. 
  4. Avocados have the most calories than any other fruit. 
  5. You can buy watermelons in square shaped in  Japan (developed to stack better in supermarkets). 
  6. A banana contains almost 75% water. 
  7. The average hen lays over 228 eggs a year. 
  8. Almonds are members of the peach family. 
  9. Carrots contain 0% fat, So it is one of most adaptive item in diet plans.
  10. An egg contains almost every vitamin except vitamin C.
  11. French fries are originally from Belgium.
  12. lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.
  13. 52% of Americans drink coffee. green tea contains 50% more vitamin C than black tea. 
  14. Most of the cows produce more milk when they listen to the music.
  15. The average person will consume around 100 tons of food and 45,424 liters (12,000 gallons) of water in their lifetime.
  16. Wine is sold in tinted bottles because they get spoils when exposed to light. 
  17. After petrol, coffee is one the largest item bought and sold. 
  18. there is no butter in buttermilk. 
  19. After waking up in the morning eating apples are more effective than coffee. 
  20. 1 plain milk chocolate bar contains more protein than a banana.
  21. Did you know Coca Cola launched Sprite as its 3rd product in 1961.
  22. People who depressed eat about 55% more chocolate than their non-depressed peers.
  23. The peanut is actually a legume not a any type of nuts.
  24. India has the world's lowest meat consumption per person.
  25. Apples are part of the rose family.

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