24 Funny Facts | Facts-Site

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24 Funny Facts

Funny Facts
  1. In Japan, Ronald McDonald is called as Donald McDonald due to a lack of a clear "r" sound in Japanese.
  2. 51% Of People Think Stormy Weather Affects Cloud Computing.
  3. A group of owls is called a Parliament.
  4. Charlie Chaplin once lost in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
  5. About 7% of religious Americans pray to God about to find a good parking spot.
  6. The more features your phone has, the longer you spend in the toilet.
  7. The founder of Match.com lost his girlfriend to a man she met on Match.com.
  8. Most people can't distinguish expensive wines from inexpensive ones, a study proved.
  9. In Oklahoma, it's illegal to take a bite out of another person's hamburger.
  10. Surgeons who grew up playing video games make 37% fewer mistakes.
  11. In ancient Greece, throwing an apple at somebody was done to declare one's love.
  12. A man wore 70 pieces of clothing to avoid Baggage Charge at the airport.
  13. The movie Gravity was more expensive than the Indian Mars mission.
  14. The last words of Henry Royce, co-founder of Rolls-Royce, were actually: "I wish I'd spent more time in the office."
  15. Many birds live alone, but crows live in a group called a murder. Most people would call it Flock of Crows.
  16. The second-largest lake in Bolivia is called Lake Poopo. It's not a freshwater lake.
  17. The American secret service tried to spike Hitler's food with female hormones to feminize him.
  18. In 2007, A Bosnian couple divorced after discovering both had an online affair with each other under fake names.
  19. The area where military personnel socializes and eat is called a "mess".
  20. Plants grow faster when music is playing.
  21. Mariah Carey's legs are insured for US$1 billion.
  22. In Victoria, Australia, only a licensed electrician is allowed to change a light bulb.
  23. There's a hill in New Zealand called Taumata-whakatangihanga-koau au-o-tamatea-turi-pukakapiki-ma unga-horo-nuku-pokai-whenua kitanatahu.
  24. Couples who live together before engagement have a higher Divorce rates.

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