Laughter is the best Medicine is proved by the studies Lets come to see Hilarious Funny facts. 

24 Funny Facts

24 Funny Facts
  • If you consistently fart for 6 years & 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb!
  • A man was jailed and fined US$1500 in Oregon, U.S.A., for collecting rainwater because it is considered ‘property of the state'.
  • The inventor of Vaseline used to eat a spoonful of it every day.
  • Some turtles breathe through their butts.
  • Baby Chicks are smarter than Baby Humans .
  • Male kangaroos flex their biceps to impress females.
  • Farts have been clocked at a speed of 10 feet per second (7 mph).
  • Some turtles breathe through their butts.
  • A snail has about 25,600 "teeth".
  • Leeches have 32 brains.
  • If you eat too many carrots you may turn orange.
  • Dead people can get goose bumps.
  • The weird bright dots you see floating when you look at the sky are your white blood cells.
  • Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, all of them had no college degree, Bcuz they Genius. 
  • Bird poop is white because they don't pee.
  • Diabetic people have sweet urine
  • Some sloths remain hanging from branches even after death.
  • Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp.
  • Humans can inflate balloons with their ears.
  • Hippopotamus' milk is pink.
  • The lighter was invented before the match.
  • Rudolf Diesel, who invented the Diesel engine, committed suicide in 1913 because he didn't think his invention would be successful.
  • The first Credit Card was created because of the embarrassment of a man who had to pay for dinner but forgot his wallet.
  • The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet.