50 Random Facts | Facts-Site

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50 Random Facts

50 Random Facts
  1. A bear fought in the Polish Army in WWII. He carried shells to the frontline and was taught to salute.
  2. Lightning often strikes the same place repeatedly, especially if it's a tall, pointy, isolated object. The Empire State Building is hit an average of 23 times a year
  3. In China, over 35 million people still live in caves..
  4. Mouse sperm is larger than elephant sperm.
  5. The scientific name of the llama is "lama glama."
  6. 70% of all the world's spices come from India.
  7. Scientists can identify individual zebras by "scanning" their stripes like a barcode.
  8. The deadliest earthquake known hit Shansi, China on January 23, 1556. An estimated 830,000 people died.
  9. There are three foremost deities: Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, who are considered the parts of one and only god (parabrahman) responsible for the creation, preservation and destruction of the worlds. three letters of the word 'AUM' are considered to represent them.
  10. The word "volcano originally comes from the name of the Roman god of fire Vulcan."
  11. During the Cold War, the U.S. seriously considered dropping an atomic bomb on the Moon to show off its military superiority.
  12. In 1939, 835 sheep were killed by a single lightning strike in Utah(western U.S)
  13. If you inhale a pea, it can sprout and grow in your lungs.
  14. Women can fly airplanes in Saudi Arabia, but can't drive cars.
  15. In a group of 23 people, at least two have the same birthday with the probability greater than 1/2
  16. Our moon is bigger than Pluto and 1/4 the diameter of Earth.
  17. In 15 years of conquest Alexander The Great never lost a battle.
  18. Bin Laden’s death was announced on 1st May 2011. Hitler’s death was announced on 1st May 1945.
  19. You are more likely to die from a falling coconut than from a shark attack.
  20. Mouse sperm is larger than elephant sperm.
  21. The scientific name of the llama is "lama glama."
  22. 70% of all the world's spices come from India.
  23. Scientists can identify individual zebras by "scanning" their stripes like a barcode.
  24. The deadliest earthquake known hit Shansi, China on January 23, 1556. An estimated 830,000 people died.
  25. About 50% of Asians have trouble metabolizing alcohol due to a missing liver enzyme needed to process it.
  26. A Cancer patient won 5,000 euros from bookies after betting he'd stay ALIVE longer than doctors predicted.
  27. 77% of Russia is made up of Siberia.
  28. In 1939, 835 sheep were killed by a single lightning strike in Utah(western U.S)
  29. If you inhale a pea, it can sprout and grow in your lungs.
  30. A Bonsai Tree planted in 1626 survived the atomic bomb at Hiroshima and now resides in a U.S. Museum.
  31. In a group of 23 people, at least two have the same birthday with the probability greater than 1/2
  32. The United States has won more medals (2,189) at the Summer Games than any other country.
  33. Diabetics' urine can be made into whiskey because of the urine's high sugar content.
  34. 40% of the earth's land is in 6 countries
  35. The Earth's core is about as hot as the sun.
  36. Our galaxy probably contains at least 2 billion planets like Earth.
  37. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors.
  38. The lifespan of a squirrel is about to nine years.
  39. Every year about 98% of atoms are replaced in your body.
  40. China uses over 45 billion chopsticks per year.
  41. 99% of a Panda's diet consists of bamboo.
  42. Giraffes only need to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from all the plants they eat.
  43. Dolphins Recognize and Admire Themselves in Mirrors.
  44. Squirrels forget where they hide about half of their nuts.
  45. One of the smallest dinosaurs discovered had the size of a chicken and ate insects.
  46. 99% of a Panda's diet consists of bamboo
  47. You can not see your own eyes in motion when looking in a mirror since, as your eyes move, your brain automatically blocks blurred images, making you blind at these moments.
  48. Eating fast food regularly has the same impact on the liver as hepatitis.
  49. Men burn fat more quickly then women.

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