30 Interesting and Psychological Facts | Facts-Site #2

Understanding the psychology behind the way we treat others, behave and express ourselves to the others would be interesting and which help us to behave according to the situation.

 Interesting and Helpful Psychological Facts #2

Interesting and Helpful Psychological Facts
  • Psychology says, If you are meeting someone for the first time, you only have about seven seconds to make a powerful first impression.
  • It deosn't mttaer in waht oerdr the lteters in a wrod are, the olny ipmroatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pcale.
  • Psychologists say 80 percent of communication among humans is body language and only 20 percent is the spoken word.
  • There are currently more female than male graduate students in psychology.
  • Depression is dangerous: 1 in 16 people diagnosed with depression dies by suicide.
  • Memory may be improved by simple lifestyle changes such as physical activity, healthy eating,  and stress reduction.
  • Loss of memory is known as amnesia.
  • Studies of dreams have found that about 3/4 of dream content or emotions are negative.
  • When telling a lie, there is generally less hand movement.
  • Researchers found that doctors who spent at least three or four hours a week to playing video games, made about 37% less mistakes in laparoscopic surgery, and performed the task about 27% faster.
  • Psychologists have shown that two- and three-day old babies can perceive musical rhythms.
  • For a person to practice psychology, she must be licensed and have a doctorate degree.
  • The National Mental Health Association reports that 30-70% of suicide victims have suffered from a form of depression.
  • The most common hallucinations are auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations.
  • Women are more likely than men to have disorders of eating. Such things usually start in the teenage years.
  • Symptoms of depression can include: depressed or irritable mood, changes in appetite ,poor concentration, insomnia,  and loss of interest.
  • Women are twice more talkative than men! It has been estimated that on average time , men speak about 12,500 words and women speak 25,500 words in a day.
  • The female brain is much more adept at reading verbal emotional expressions and subtle facial. Some women says that only when men see actual tears they realize that something is wrong. That's why women have to cry four times more than men do, to signal distress. 
  • You may not be able to change the source of your depression or stress, so try to change the way of respond to it.
  • About 19% of left-handed people in the world have their language areas in the right hemisphere.
  • The best thing you can do for someone with depression is to help him or her get treatment.
  • The consequences of stress can include asthma, ulcers lowered immunity (which can lead to infectious illnesses) and depression.
  • 90% of people between the age of 10–29 years sleep with their phones.
  • According to a studies, wishing someone luck makes them do better.
  • If you want your children to grow or turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.
  • Money spent on experiences will always hold greater value to you.
  • The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. 
  • Desires, Expectations & Ambitions are the actual drivers of any human. 
  • Greater expectations can lead to overall better performance and results, while lower expectations can lead to decrease the performance level.
  • Intelligent person have less and selective friends.
Read More : 30 Interesting and Psychological Facts #3.

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